Saturday, April 13, 2013

HS50EXR – Review Part 16 – Film Modes and their Interaction with Dynamic Range Modes

Time to check film modes to see how they interact with DR modes. Camera on tripod shooting through window. There is a reflection through the right side, but it is not relevant.

The following matrix has three rows for the relevant film modes for provia, velvia and astia. And it has three columns that show us DR400, DR200 and DR100.

You can of course click through to see a larger version. But conclusions can easily be drawn at this size.

  • Mid and shadow tones are not affected much at all by DR mode. Since my light test actually showed a difference, I will now have to chock that up to L versus M, which shows definite exposure differences. Or changes in the curve based on ISO could easily be the cause. Suffice it to say in bright light the highlights are most affected.
  • Velvia has higher saturation as expected, and a harsher tone curve as expected.
  • Astia is in between Provia and Astia on both counts.
  • DR400 with Velvia continue to protect the snow in this image. Whether that would also work with the sun out is something to be tested, but it certainly means that Velvia is somewhat safe for tones in M size and DR400 modes. This is good news for JPEG shooters to restore the “punch” in their images.
  • DR100 on even a dull day like this puts white tones at risk, as is quite obvious in the image on the right side of the middle row.

So that’s just a quick test to see the interaction. I may just leave the camera set now to Velvia M DR400 in case I don’t need to process the RAW for the extra detail it affords.

** UPDATE: A comment on DR400 … there is a fantasy theory floating around that DR400 is fatally broken in these new cameras. Color bleed, blur, yada yada yada ,,, I shoot nothing but DR400 and I recommend that people not listen to the lunatic fringe.